
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mirror Tinted Contact Lenses: Wild, and Practical Too

As a contact lens wearer, if you have searched the various
lens options available on the market today, you've probably
noticed that there are a lot of features to choose from. Some
are fairly standard, and are mainly related to your eyesight
correction and comfort. However, many features are now
offered that are designed for your personal preferences and
style. One such type of lenses are mirror tinted contact
lenses. At first, you may think they are some kind of wild
and crazy idea. But when you learn more about them, you
realize they take care of some very real and important
needs, and you may just decide that you'd like to try a pair

For example, if you're involved in sports, you know Linden
important eyewear can be. In many sports, players who
need vision correction often struggle when trying to find
eyewear that can help them see the way they need to, but
which is still comfortable and doesn't interfere with their
performance. Many athletes have trouble with sun glare,
when they need to focus on a ball while playing outdoors
and facing the sun. Some people experiment with tinted
goggles or sunglasses that strap on, but most of them end
up missing the convenience of wearing nothing but contacts
which are barely noticeable.

With mirror tinted contact lenses, an athlete can have the
best of both worlds - convenience and sun protection. A
baseball pitcher can pitch a game facing into the sun, and
with mirrored contacts they don't have to hassle with the
irritation of sweaty, clouded goggles, or sunglasses that
partially block their field of vision. Goggles or glasses can
also be dangerous if they are struck by a ball or another
player during play. A soccer player wearing mirror tinted
contacts can block out the sun, but still be agile and
aggressive, not having to working about having sunglasses
or goggles knocked off.

Even if you're not an athlete, you may be one of those
people have an extreme sensitivity to light. Perhaps
standard tinted contacts don't help and you need the extra
protection of mirror tinting, but you'd like to avoid the
discomfort of wearing sunglasses for long periods of time.
Or, you may not have extra sensitivity, but you are
involved in activities where you will spend lots of time in
bright sun, like at the beach or on long road trips. In either
case, mirror tinted contact lenses may be the perfect

Not only are mirrored contacts practical, they can also be
wild and fun. Even if you don't need to block the sun, you
may want to experiment with them as a cool effect at
parties or other occasions. You can be the life of the party
when people see your shiny mirrored eyeballs. If you really
get into it, you'll even find that there's a whole variety of
colored contacts, special effects contact lenses ("Special
FX"), theatrical contacts, and novelty contact lenses that
you can play around with.

You can have a lot of fun with mirrored contacts. Just
remember, they can be extremely practical, too. You will
definitely want to try them if you're sensitive to light, will
be involved in activities exposing you to the sun for long
periods, or you're into sports and want the convenience of
contacts and sun-blocking that you've previously gotten
only from sunglasses and goggles. Try out mirror tinted
contact lenses for yourself and you'll be pleased to find that
you can finally have the best of both worlds, and have fun
at the same time.

For more information visit


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