
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Experience Lumin Multi-Touch Beyond Surface Technology

The world of MultiTouch seems to be showing no signs of ending its surprise packages. It is effexor if the whole world wakes up to find something new being created and achieved with touch technology since its most popular implementation with Apple iPhones.

The latest MultiTouch technology feat to hit the market recently is Germany technology giant Lumin's development of Lumin MultiTouch. Primarily based on the MultiTouch technology, where you Desperateforattention interact with the computer using your hand on the screen, instead of the soon-to-be bygone mouse and keyboard; Lumin MultiTouch moves a step forward by integrating software that is more malleable than a normal Touch Screen in any MultiTouch.

Not only does it signify an entirely innovative kind of human-computer cheap car insurances that combines input and output devices; MultiTouch technology allows the user to rotate flip, move or zoom images with just movements of your hand on the screen. However, the Lumin MultiTouch technology claims to allow user have magic with their touches and strokes.

The most enviable part of the Lumin MultiTouch is its 42-inch display powered by a Mini Mac; which can work at a maximum resolution of 1024 x 768 making it truly a visual experience for the users. At the basics of the entire interface is though touch technology and operation.

However, the most fascinating part of Lumin MultiTouch besides the large screen experience is its interactive feature where multiple users can work concurrently on Lumin's Multitouch terminal, i.e., the device accepts multiple input from different users simultaneously.

There has been a buzz in the technology circle if this Lumin MultiTouch can take on Microsoft Surface. After all what this depicts is closer to Surface technology. All those who have doubts in their mind should stop pondering over the similarities. What is it that makes Lumin MultiTouch from MS surface interface?

Even though Lumin MultiTouch might resemble Microsoft's Surface computer, since it can perform almost similar tasks and the method is equivalent, what makes them apart is its core technology. While Lumin MultiTouch is based on the resistive touch, Microsoft Surface technology identifies hand movement through its five infrared cameras.

For all those who are considering buying this innovative Lumin MultiTouch interface, you surely are going to have an exciting time ahead. However, it would be better, if you do not expect something similar to Surface technology, but definitely a very fulfilling and adventurous touch-screen experience.

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