Money Saving Tips to Help Your Budget
We want to save more money, but we're not sure where to begin.
Our first step is to make a budget, so we can then make a plan on how much we can save after our necessary bills are paid. It may seem like there's nothing left, but even if we're just putting away a few dollars a week, we're heading in the right direction. An easy way to do this is if you have a direct deposit with your paycheck. You can automatically have a certain portion put into your savings account and then your savings can just accrue. The secret is to save more and more until it just becomes habit for you.
When we're saving, we want to have a general goal in mind. What are we saving for? Is it to pay off our house sooner -- say we tuck away $100 a month and put $1,200 extra a year on our house. Or maybe we want to buy a new stainless steel fridge with no fingerprints -- let's say a cost of about $1500 -- we're able to save $300 extra a month, so in five months we can have that fridge paid for with cash and with no financial debt to anyone. If we understand the importance of saving, whether for retirement or a long-awaited vacation, then now we must find ways to actually save the money.
So now we have a budget in mind and we have a reason to conference calling companies But if we're not spending-freaks and we actually do live paycheck to paycheck to cover the basics -- so it's not just a question of limiting our wants -- then we must find ways to come up with those extra dollars to save. Here are some ideas:
Save On Gas
- Take public transportation or ride the bus. I know Sell structured settlement not really possible for some -- but for some it may be. It can also be an opportunity to multitask -- get ahead of your reading.
- Investigate gas prices. The internet is filled with information, including prices of gas -- so do your research before you drive around town trying to find the cheapest price on gas while wasting gas!
- Idle no more and get a tune-up. The running engine is just burning gas -- wasting money -- if the car is idling. Efficiency is lost if the car hasn't had a regular tune-up and thus gas mileage could be pretty lousy.
- Drive the speed limit. If you change your speed excessively, it uses up more gas -- so stick to the speed limit to improve your gas mileage.
Save on Groceries
- Use coupons.
- Buy in bulk.
- Look for sales.
Save on Utility Bills
- Winterize your home. It may seem expensive initially but it saves a lot in the long run.
- Use wood stoves to heat your home. If you live in a colder climate or just have harsh winters -- this can really save you on your heating bill and efficient wood stoves can warm up the house quickly!
- Summerize your home. So I know that's not a real word, but I think you get the meaning. If you live in a hot climate -- use window shades and instead of warming up your home even more by using your oven -- use crock pots, barbeques etc. so your air conditioner doesn't have to work even harder in the summer.
- Save on your water bill. Use less water!
Save on entertainment.
Instead of going to the opera and eating escargots at the expensive restaurant next door -- maybe we can have a picnic and use our discount tickets at the cinema. So maybe that sounds too restrictive, but it depends on what your interests are -- you can have a lot of fun even on the most limited of budgets!
So remember to budget, save, and continually look for ways to live more frugally! Becoming financially independent within your means is a happier stress-free life than being financially yoked to a money-making institution while in your palatial home.
Jaycee Fox writes on subjects with the goal of achieving a healthy and balanced life. She has a Bachelors in Psychology and a Masters degree. If you're interested in the many resources in helping to achieve that balance -- even financial and budget resources -- then check out Jaycee's website at