
Monday, August 11, 2008

Have You Had Your Daily Dose of Toxins Today

Did you get gyco car insurance daily dose of toxins, today. I'm sure that you did, but I thought I would ask. You see, Anti depressants who are concerned about their health and wellness as I am are often referred to as strange or weird.

If you take the time see how our government sits by and let big business and the medical community play with our health, you too will be concerned about your most important asset- good health - and look to alternative medicine for your good health and wellness.

Did you know the five most common ingredients in sun block are known to cause cancer? The very things they say you should use to prevent something, are more often than not, the precise reasons why you end up developing that disease.

In Africa, they spend all day in the sun - but skin cancer does not exist over there. Sun block also blocks out all the good sunshine, such as the rays that provide you with vitamin D. Sunshine is good for you. Just cover up a bit more when you go outside so that you don't get sunburn.

Would you drink sun block? No way! It's poisonous, right? Well, everything you put on your skin is absorbed and goes straight into your blood stream. The same goes for bug repellent, lotion, make-up, deodorant, perfume, and even the detergent you wash your clothes in.

You wouldn't eat any of those things I just listed, would you? Of course not! They're poisonous, and in most instances, you would die almost instantly by ingesting them. So why are you giving these toxins the chance to get into your blood stream by putting them on your skin?

Some believe that deodorant causes cancer. Anything you put on your armpits goes straight into the lymphatic system, and is quite possibly the leading cause for breast cancer. The same goes for bug repellent, lotion, make-up, and perfume.

Laundry detergent and dryer sheets are a beast all their own. The chemicals in those are so unbelievably toxic. The chemicals in them are known to adversely affect the central nervous system, heart, blood vessels, lungs and kidneys. In addition, some people believe they cause cancer, bacterial mutations, reproductive, endocrine, and immune system disorders, and
allergic reactions when the skin is later exposed to sunlight.

This is all just in the bad credit equity loans detergent -let's not forget the process of making laundry detergent and what that releases into the air. Let's not forget dryer sheets and all the chemicals they have, and the fact that when you heat anything it accelerates dispersion of the toxins and makes them airborne. If you ever wondered why clothes irritate your skin - that's why!

And just like all those toxins that are festering in your colon, all the toxins you put on your skin are blocking absorption of good nutrients and excretion of bad toxins. You are supposed to sweat, sweating is a good thing - and your sweat is not supposed to smell. The only reason you have any body odor whatsoever is because of all the toxins in your body.

If you put a non-stick Teflon pan on your stove, turn on the burner, and leave it there for a while - it would kill a bird if it were to pass over it. While some may think of this as a convenient way of hunting, I prefer to think of it as a great way to kill ourselves over time.

All those chemicals in your carpet, paint, air fresheners, deodorizers, household cleaners - they're all toxic. They will all make you develop illness and allergies. They will all make you die before the typical age of 120. They will all just sit in your colon and prevent your body from being able to function properly.

Deodorizers are probably the worst of that group. They really don't get rid of odors, they just kill off your ability to smell them. Just like medicine, deodorizers are only covering up the symptoms, instead of treating the offending odor by cleaning it at the root cause.

Joe Golson - Health and fitness / Home Business Marketing enthusiast.Work at home promoting his business and write articles and reviews of products related to Health and Fitness. Visit his website : healthyherbalalternatives.comHealthy Herbal