It Would Not Be Called Success If It Was Easily Achieved
What does it take to be successful? The company van insurance is quite simple it takes focus; commitment and determination to overcome whatever challenges you need to, to focus on solutions rather than give in to excuses, to commit to do whatever it takes to get where you want to be and to achieve what at the outset may seem unattainable?
You definitely can not buy success and success does not materialise free of any charge. It has to be worked for, challenges have to be overcome and probably the first step to achieving success is recognising that there will be many challenges and setbacks along the way but there will always be a solution. Learning to focus on the solution will help develop the commitment and determination which will eventually lead to success.
The world is full of young people leaving schools with high ideals for second mortgage rates future, sadly though many of these youngsters are ill equipped to face and beat the challenges they need to overcome in order to achieve their ideals. Often they surrender their dreams as the road to achieve them can seem endless. They have grown up in an I want, I can have immediately and Ill pay later society, with computers, fashionable clothes, mobiles, cars etc available and often provided for the young by friends and relatives, mistakenly, I think, believing that in giving them what they want they are doing the best thing for their loved ones.
One of the first hurdles to overcome is that often when focused upon moving forward we become aware that our friends and indeed family are on a different path; accept this, every-one has their own path to follow. Jumping off your path to stay within your comfort zone will not only hold you back but could in fact totally derail your own ambitions. Staying in a comfort zone weakens your focus. Inevitably commitment and determination become words of the past. When you have a goal to achieve you do not belong on some-one elses path and if you do not get back on your own path you will find yourself living a dispirited, negative existence, frustrated by the unsatisfied destine you cannot achieve from the wrong path.
Always remember that even at this stage it is not too late, you can always re-focus and step out again on your own path.
What is the solution? Learn from this deviation, do not allow any-one else to design your future. For some the lesson has been well learnt and back in focus they march forward to success, never deviating ever determined.
For the great majority though life is going to test and re-test your commitment to yourself, your dream and your worthiness to achieve.
False friends will come your way offering you gilded opportunities and sometimes even with careful research we can be taken in by clever presentation and marketing, many people stumble and fall at this juncture, often disillusioned sadly wrongly believing that they cannot achieve their goal; they mistakenly believe they are not worthy, how could they fall for what they eventually see all too clearly as false opportunity.
Many will allow accident at work claim to accept that in fact they should keep on this wrong path, if not, they will lose money and perhaps by staying where they are they can in fact gain. This is where life is really filtering the wheat from the chaff. The strong, determined committed person even if out of pocket is going to break away, learn from the lesson and move swiftly on. The weak, make a quick buck man and then Ill move on, is destined for complete derailment.
The majority will already have given up whilst a minority are left to face still more challenges, disappointments and setbacks interspersed with flashes of what it is they are working towards, which for some will be sufficient to sustain them on their journey but for others will not suffice and sadly even at this late juncture some will give up on their dream settling to rest from their toil, a small minority will continue spurred on by their conviction, determination and supported by the path behind them which has helped them grow move forward step by step to achieve what they set out to achieve.
Where do you belong? Ask yourself, are you going to stick to your goals, look for solutions and be so committed that even if you do fall back from time to time, you will you have the courage, determination and commitment to accept that there will be setbacks, sometimes enormous seemingly insurmountable challenges but, hey,it would not be called success if it was easy to achieve.
Expert author, Helen Coles also heads a re-location company, Joie De Vivre Property Services. Living and working in south west France has enabled Helen to experience first hand many of the challenges faced by her clients. The company has been created based on their own family's experiences. The business was established to help people deal with the stress of relocating, moving to a new country or new part of the country, helping people to integrate into the local community by introducing them to the local maire and neighbours; help find solutions for all manner of unexpected challenges related to establishing oneself within a new community after having left family and long standing friends behind.