
Friday, November 7, 2008

Why Overpriced Homes Do Not Sell

Ever wondered why the most attractive house in your neighborhood kept for sale doesn't sell? In a moving market, a home that doesn't sell is not because of its condition or the location. The main reason why some homes always remain vacant is price. Homes that are commercial van insurance do not sell at all; the reason -- buyers do not make any offers on them.

There are various beliefs circling among buyers who do not give a second glance on overpriced homes. Some buyers believe that the seller has deliberately overpriced her home and would be willing to sell less if she would simply lower her price. Buyers also assume that the seller has turned downed low offers and overpriced her house because someone has offered a reasonable price to sell. Some buyers do not make any offer for an overpriced house. These kind-hearted buyers do not wish to offend the seller by offering a low price. They feel quite embarrassing to offer a lower price thinking that it can insult the seller.

There are some good ways to find out which house is grossly overpriced. The best way is to consult your realtor to provide the "average days on market" through multiple listings. He will submit you a print out of every home that has been stranded on the market for a longer duration than the "average days on t market."

There are many homes that are listed at an unrealistic price by sellers. But there are some motivated sellers who are willing to listen to reasons why their homes should be sold at a lower price. Homes that are listed at a higher price will come down sometimes as it is just a matter of timing.

About Author: Pauline Go is an online leading expert in finance industry. She also offers top quality fiancial tips like :">A Guide To Buying First Home, How Does">Inflation Affect The Economy?